Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Before the Wedding

A few pictures taken before the ceremony began. More pictures tomorrow!


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thankful Thursday

       1.       The relaxing sound of the breeze outside.
2.       The gift of becoming lost in a good book.
3.       Fruit
4.       Waffles. Cannot tell you how many I have eaten in the past week.
5.       Having a table in our dining room we can eat at instead of the whole room being engulfed in boxes.
6.       Seeing a doctor this week and developing a plan of action.
7.       Crutches. Can barely get around without them now. And the turquoise blue covers I made for them make me smile.
8.       For the distraction that comes from watching television, especially shows like Bones and N.C.I.S.
9.       Laughter.
10.   That Shawn doesn’t have work tomorrow. Three day weekend!

Thankful for the reminder of seeing the blessings in life.

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Simple Things

Enjoy the Simple Things -(7 5/8" x 9 5/8" Size Print)
Love this print!

Today was a good day. Nothing special but I finally saw a Pain Management doctor. The appointment did not start off well and I had to stick up myself in front of a doctor more than I ever have. That's what my mom was for right? Sigh...those days are over. By God's grace however the appointment turned around drastically. I do not know how or why but I am so grateful it did. The doctor took the time to write out all the options on a white board. Perfect for such a visual learner like me! He even suggested acupuncture and different vitamins. For this I am very grateful! And he finally convinced me to wear better shoes. This was not an easy task, let me tell you! Right after the appointment I bought some new slippers (flip-flops) that are good for your feet!

On the drive  I spotted two rainbows and a double rainbow. I feel so blessed when I see rainbows. They remind me of God's goodness and faithfulness to all generations. God uses even the simplest things to bring us joy and peace.   I am thankful. God is so good even in the hard times!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I Love Lucy

My love for Lucy began the first time I watched I Love Lucy. I love laughing at the crazy situations she gets into and the hilarious facial expressions she makes. And the fact that she is also a redhead makes me love her even more. A few years ago a friend and I dressed as Lucy and Ethel for a costume party. And I am constantly using quotes to fill everyday conversation. I was giddy with delight when I saw Google this morning! Are you seeing a pattern?

When Shawn and I were engaged I started watching episodes frequently as a stress reliever from wedding planning. The more I watched I noticed many similarities between our relationship and Ricky and Lucy's. The first month of our marriage we watched an episode or two of I Love Lucy each night.  We would laugh and tell the other one "You do that too!" Ricky and Lucy's cross cultural marriage provides much humor to the show and I find that Shawn and my differences from growing up so differently is quite humorous as well. Thankfully I am not quite as crazy as Lucy but I do have my moments.

All this is to wish a Happy 100th Birthday to Lucille Ball and here's to at least 60 more years of I Love Lucy reruns! Any one else watch reruns all day today?

"I'm happy that I have brought laughter because I have been shown by many the value of it in so many lives, in so many ways." - Lucille Ball

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thankful Thursday

With everything going on right now I want to remember to be thankful. I want to dwell on the things I have, not what I feel I'm lacking. I also want to be grateful for even the smallest things. My hope is that each week I can post about ten things I am grateful for that week.

Five things that I am always grateful for:

1.  God - Without Him I would be unable to find purpose in life and be able to understand why so many things happen. I don’t understand everything by any means but I know He has a perfect plan in everything.
2.  My husband – I am thankful for the godly man he is and how hard he works to provide and that he never complains that he has to do so much around the house because I am unable to.
3.  My parents – Their commitment to follow God even through the hard times. For being a model of a godly husband and wife to me and my siblings. For raising us in a Christ centered home and for always being proud of us for doing our best from chores to school work.
4.  My siblings – I can’t tell you how thankful I am for them. Craziest, funniest, most loving siblings I could ever ask for. (They do know how to drive me crazy sometimes though!)
5.  A place to live. - God taught me and Shawn to completely put our trust in Him while He had us wait till the last minute to find a home.

And here are ten things I am particularly thankful for today:

1.  My hubby being off work and being able to spend the whole day with him.
2.  Going on a lunch date with my hubby.
3.  Less pain today.
4.  For the sunshine that burst through the daunting clouds. It has been such a gorgeous day!
5.  Driving around with the windows down and blasting country music. Also grateful that Shawn shares my love for country music.
6.  Technology. Having family and friends only a phone call away is a stress reliever. I am also grateful for the distraction internet and movies can be when I am in pain.
7.  The blessing of getting together with family and friends this week. So grateful for the people God puts in our lives at just the right time.
8.  So grateful for the prayers offered up on Shawn’s and my behalf these past months.
9.  Different types of medical treatment from acupuncture, to doctors, and medicine.
10.Finally being able to sleep through the night without pain interrupting!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Musings of a Cripple

Lately most of my time is spent lying down. I've been trying to keep busy and as distracted as possible. Sometimes my brain can handle some creativity so I will make earrings or try some other craft. Other times I'll watch a movie or blog. I wish I could read but I honestly don't have enough brain power. I'm gonna try some books on tape soon and see how that goes!

I've been looking around for some simple do it yourself projects that are cheap and useful around the home. I've been thinking about making throw pillows for the couch but I'll need to get a machine although I could possibly do it by hand. I'm looking around for some inspiration in this area. Does anyone have any simple projects they can think of? I'd love to be able to use things from the house that I already own.

On another note I could use a lot of prayer as it comes to medical treatment. Having trouble getting in to see specialists. It's been an interesting experience having to be in charge of my own treatment. Before my mom was my advocate as I was only fourteen but now I'm the one who has to speak up. It's been a difficult process but I'm learning and it's a good lesson for me to be learning. I have to be tough and not give up on making all those phone calls to doctor after doctor. Let's just say calling strangers is not my forte! Please pray that an appointment opens up so I can see the doctor as soon as possible. Mahalo nui loa.