About Me

Aloha! I'm Laura.

I love creating jewelry, painting, drawing, and all sorts of crafty things. Being immersed in a mystery is a favorite past time. Writing is a form of therapy and I generally talk a lot about my health struggles.

Chronic illness has played a huge role in my life and I am actually okay with that. God has used it to change me for the better. I was diagnosed with R.S.D./C.R.P.S. ten years ago and was later diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease. The second diagnosis prompted my family to move to Hawai'i where I soon met my husband. This year I was also diagnosed with P.O.T.S. and I am learning how to manage those symptoms. My life is a little crazy but I am thankful for every day I have. God is good even in the hard times.

Connect with me on instagram, follow me on pinterest, or send me an email using the sidebar. I'd love to hear from you!

I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from me is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Laura Ah Mow and Ah Mow, Amas, Amat with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Thank you for abiding by this.