Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Normal is a conversation with my husband without my brain messing with me.
Normal is not spending every second of the day watching television.
Normal is having the mental capacity to speak on the phone.
Normal is making our house look as nice as possible.
Normal is going to multiple stores without crutches.
Normal is wearing clothes other than pajamas.
Normal is getting out of the house most days.
Normal is making jewelry and crafts.
Normal is a smile on my face.
Normal is a gift from God.

So grateful that the last few days have been slightly more normal. Praise be to God!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Quick Update

 It has been a while since I have posted. It is difficult to tell if my health is better or perhaps worse. It seems like there is a new health development each week; some symptoms improve while new ones appear.

Not quite sure what to think when it comes to where I need to be with treatment, when I should expect improvement, or where the doctors are in the process of this. But I am sure of one thing, I am resting in my Father's hands. 

God blessed Shawn and me this week in seeing how our story has impacted and blessed others. It is so humbling to be used even while I am sick and spending most of my time on the couch. God has the power to move through our weaknesses. Such comfort has come through that understanding.

For in the day of trouble, He will keep me safe in His dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle and set me upon a rock.  Psalm 27:5