In talking to other friends with chronic illness this seems to be a trend. It's hard to know what to say. The symptoms I deal with on a good day would probably keep you home from work. And I don't want to make you uncomfortable or feel bad for me. I'm pretty comfortable with being sick. In fact I know how to be sick far better than I know how to be well! So if you ask, I'll probably say something like "I'm doing okay." Okay to me is normal but if I feel awful I'll probably tell you. I have an honesty problem!
When someone reads my blog or has a conversation with me, I want them to see the ups and downs of chronic illness. Good days are hard to come by but they happen. And when they do I am thrilled because not only am I having fun but I know that one day every day could feel like that. In the future, I shouldn't have to worry so much about my health and that is an exciting thought! Will the illness still be there? Most likely but I will be mostly back to my "normal" self. I will have to take very good care of myself to keep the illness at bay but I won't have to think of Lyme Disease every second of every day!