Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Amo, Amas, Amat

            In seventy days, the last job I need is one as a Latin Teacher. It is not the course material that I am afraid of teaching. In fact, I have always had teaching latin to grammar students in the back of my mind. My objection is with my soon to be last name, Ah Mow.

            In third grade the first chant I learned was "amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatus, amant" meaning "I love, you love, he/she/it loves, we love, you all love, they love". Sometimes this chant was said while doing the Mexican hat dance and others times we were as monotone as could be. The chant brings back good memories of grammar school. But I also remember a few years prior reciting phonics as a class. As soon as we said 'oo' as in crook we all pointed and glared at our teacher Miss Crook. Do you see where I am going with this? As Mrs. Ah Mow, I am destined for giggles ensuing if I ever instructed children in the amo chant.

            My family began the amo chant teasing a long time ago. It is funny I must admit. After mulling over the perfect blog title for a week and arriving at no conclusion, I went to Super Woman more commonly known as my mom. Without even thinking she blurted out the title "Ah Mow, Amas, Amat". A wave of emotions swept over me: laughter, amazement, and quite possibly a hint of frustration at her wittiness and prompt answer. The name is perfect and it is here to stay.

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